Tuesday 13 October 2009

Things from home countries

We are from the UK originally - me from London and Huzz from Brighton. We've lived in the Netherlands for 7 years and the US for 2 years. Although we aren't homesick for the UK particularly, to keep the homefires burning, there are a few 'essential' items we do like to have in the cupboard.
  • Yorkshire tea. A lovely strong cuppa Yorkshire tea. Each bag is supposed to be for 2 cups, but Huzz likes his particularly strong, so we get through LOADS of these! We are now using up the last few, and then we'll have to resort to the weak local brands here (bah). Any family or friends reading this from home - please send some!
  • Marmite. You either love it or hate it, as the commercial goes! We LOVE it, especially on warm toast - yum! Even Ruby at just 13 months. It is available here, but only in the ridiculous small jars and we need the BIG jars. Look at this fancy silver lid for the lovely Marmite jar.

  • Shopping at Marks & Spencer. Such a great store and a British institution really, and its always one of my first shops to go to when we are back in the UK. Ah ha.... but as of about 20 minutes ago, I have found out that M&S is now doing international delivery and with a promotion for free international delivery with spends over £90. I can see a bit of online shopping going on pre Christmas.
  • Pengiun and Club chocolate covered biscuits. We never really missed these, until Nanna started sending them over for Luca, and now we like to have a small supply. Luca and his friends always have one when they come to play and really like the idea that they are from England and you can't get them here.
  • Fox's wholemeal crackers. So wheaty, so crunchy, so lovely.
  • Thornton's Butter Tablet. Ohhhh, so much sugar, condensed milk and butter. So delicious! BF Elisha and Sis always bring supplies. I've tried to make this myself (find this traditional Scottish recipe here), but it never turns out quite right (probably good job really thinking about all those calories!).
What supplies do you like to have from your home country?

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