Saturday, 4 May 2013

blog every day in may challenge - favourite quote

Favourite quote
(from a film, book etc and why you love it).

My mum kept this quote in a box of cuttings and little things she liked to hold onto.

I like to think this quote reminds her of the 14 years she was married to my dad
before he died at just 40 years old.  She was just 37 years old.

My wonderful mum lived for a further 31 years without remarrying or 
even meeting another man than could compare.


  1. This brought tears to my eyes, absolutely lovely X

  2. agreed!! Wonderful words. Thanks for sharing today!

  3. wow—my goodness that's beautiful quote and a more beautiful story!! i imagine they shared a beautiful love together!

  4. Such a good quote - quality not quantity!

  5. Oh my goodness yes you made me cry.


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