Monday 1 April 2013

easter sunday around here

What a fabulous sunny Easter weekend here in Portland.  Clear blue skies.  Sunshine.  The first use of the grill outside in the garden for dinner Saturday and Sunday evening.  Perfect.

And, the Easter Bunny did her job well.  50+ eggs very well hidden = the Huzz and I getting a little extra Sunday morning lie in whilst the kiddos searched high and low throughout the house and garden for plastic eggs filled with chocolate treats.  A few yells of "Can you help us." and a flat "No" from us encouraged them to keep searching until the final few couldn't be found (and we were struggling to remember ourselves!).  And ... ah ha.... the last one was found in the fridge!

My favorite little white wooden Easter bunnies and chicks.

Hope you had a lovely weekend filled with chocolate treats and celebrating Easter just how you like to.

1 comment:

  1. Love the white little bunnies. Something very continental European about them...


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