Snow and ice gave us a slow start to the New Year with the first day back to school cancelled and a late start the next day. That kind of threw us off our restart game. All the snow gear was grabbed out the closet and the kiddos spent half the day sledding in the neighborhood and then drinking lots of hot chocolate and watching movies. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise to ease us in.
I got online and ordered pair of Ugg boots on that snowy day. My first pair. Happy warm cozy feet.
The Huzz is still in Europe. Me and the kiddos, we travelled back here alone. We are missing him. Two sleeps to go and his back with us. Reunited. It will feel so good.
I've started my fitness off pretty well. Three 5k runs in 4 days. Two yoga classes. Pat on the back for me. That must have taken care of at least 5 of the sausages rolls I had over Christmas!!!

The Christmas tree came down on Sunday. Reluctantly. It feels so bare. I am not taking away the lanterns or little white houses glowing with candles on my fireplace. I am not ready for all the Spring stuff appearing in the stores. I am looking forward to more cozy winter days and nights at home.

Thinking of a trip over Spring Break. I suggested Alaska to the Huzz. He wants beach and sun. That sounds perfect to me! Planning now needs to begin.
Struggling to deal with my now 13 year old son. He seems to think he's become all grown up in the month since he became a teenager. I am apparently treating him like a baby! Argh!!! Help this is all new!
I binge watched the very last season of Parenthood during the evenings on my own this past week. Loved it and cried a bucket load! Love that Braverman family.
Happy Wednesday.
I binge watched the very last season of Parenthood during the evenings on my own this past week. Loved it and cried a bucket load! Love that Braverman family.
Happy Wednesday.
Sun sounds perfect right about now!