Friday, 1 October 2010

home again

Home again, home again, jigitty jig !   That's what we always say when we returned to our house after a trip - not sure why, we just do!

Ruby and I made it to Scotland and back, with no traffic jams, no missed flights (well we were a little rushed boarding for the return flight as my watch had stopped!) but no other incidents!  Horray.

So wonderful to see the new member of our family (still no name yet), and therefore referred to as baby of course.  The happy parents were so sure they were having a little girl and had agreed on a name, but the boy's name was still up for debate!  (I am assured a decision will be made this weekend so I shall reveal all then).

And to do some hospital appointments with my mum who is having chemotherapy treatment.  It was also good and satisfying to get some small jobs for her sorted out around the home to make life a little easier.  So proud of you mum and all your courage and bravery.

Of course, a little UK shopping was squeezed in amongst everything else (Gap and M&S for me), and collection of lots of mail order stuff from The White Company (excellent summer clothing sale items for the kiddos for next year), Next and Boden.  I like to make the most of the UK free deliveries when I'm visiting and don't get stung with the international shipping costs.

Ruby came home with these super boots for the chilly months to come.  It was the first time she'd had her little chubby feet measured property at Clarks.  There is no children's Clarks store here in my town and the only shop selling a limited number of styles don't measure width, only length and her little feet are kind of on the wide side!  She loved the little owls on each boot (named Olivia apparently).

Hope you've all had a great week.  I've missed reading all my favourite blogs so much.  Hope to get catch up with you all this weekend.  Enjoy!


  1. What a foreign idea - measuring width as well! That would be really good for me. But would they do two different shoes for me, as one foot is wider than the other? Probably not.

  2. what sweet little boots. glad you all had a great time and got to help out your mother.

  3. Those boots are SO cute! I love Clarks shoes for my kids. Have one with long, narrow feet, one with little, short, wide ones. Something for everyone, thanks to Clarks.

  4. Well, we called both ours "Baby" for a very long time, so no biggie on no name yet.

    And... Welcome back home. Glad you got back safely.

  5. Glad you had a lovely time and Baby is doing well. I cannot wait to hear what his name will be. I hope Mum ok after all she is going through. I imagine that Baby has really lifted her spirits and made her smile. Much love xxxx

  6. Oh, goodness... those boots are darling!

  7. Welcomes back home!! Lovely boots. x


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