Friday, 8 March 2013

spring zing

What a fabulous sunny day we are having - 2 in a row - whoop whoop!

I really feel like I have a spring in my step.  Yesterday a lady stopped her car by me as I was walking along.  "Excuse me.  I wanted to tell you that you look really lovely".  Seriously!  That lady really made my day.  Seems that a little sunshine makes the world a much happier place.

So my thoughts have been turning to a little spring zing in the house.  I recently purchased these lovely cushions which are now adding a splash of sunshine to the living room.

Windows and doors are flung open today.  I love getting a fresh breeze through the house (although I can now see how much the windows need a good clean!).  

And these goreous yellow mini-chrysanthemums are sitting in the kitchen.

Hope you have a bright and sunny weekend, whatever you may be up to.



  1. Love sunny yellow and isn't it great to open windows and let some fresh air in! Have a good weekend:)

  2. Your new spring cushions are so cheerful. We had two days of blue skies and mild weather but today it's wet, grey and freezing cold - that's England!

  3. What a great compliment - especially coming from another woman.
    Yesterday, I guy in the park said to me 'you look amazing, mummy'. Unfortunately, the whole thing was rather creepy, with me pushing the Pea in her pram and his slightly threatening undertone. Urgh. Weirdos.

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