I'm not a crazy chocoholic, but can be more than tempted to indulge when there's some good stuff around (and that firmly excludes anything Hersheys!!!!). One of my favorite chocolate bars is the Dutch brand 'Tony's Chocolonely" which the Huzz brings home from his very frequent trips to the Netherlands. But starting just a couple of weeks ago, my favorite local Portland grocery store, New Seasons, has started selling it (and is the first store in the whole USA to do so!!) so no more waiting for the Huzz to unpack his suitcase! Lucky me.

Milk (always my favorite)
Dark Almond Sea Salt
Milk Caramel Sea Salt
Dark Coffee Crunch
Dark Pecan Coconut
Extra Dark

H A P P Y C H O C O L A T E D A Y!
So happy your favorite chocolate is right at your footsteps! Happy Chocolatey Day!