Hello again. Long time. No Blogging. It feels like most of my favourite bloggers and myself are a little distracted with other things in their lives these days and blogging has taken a back seat for a while. Has Pinterest, Instagram etc become the quicker easier social media fix these days? Anyway, I'm here and if you're reading this, then you are too and that's great.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, Spring is teasing us. Two days of sun. Two days of rain. Blossom on the trees. Wind blowing gale. Light jackets. Scarves. Heating on. Doors and windows thrown open! Argh! Thursday we are supposed to hit 84 degrees, but just for one day! Let's just get on with it and bring on Spring in full force please!
Spring Break has been and gone in a flash. We had a wonderful family trip to Arizona (in search of sunshine of course), and it did not disappoint. Yes, yes, we all know how bad the sun is for our skin, but it felt oh so good to feel the warmth on my skin again. The need to wear sunglasses, sun screen and light breezy clothes, and to sip Margaritas and eat tacos sitting outside in beautifully lit terraces as the sun set. Palm trees swaying and cacti blossoming. Heaven after the grey wet PNW these past few months.

Six days in a fun hotel with pools and lazy river and more pools, split in the middle with a three day trip to the Grand Canyon. And WOW! Just WOW! What an amazing place. It was the first visit to the GC for myself and the kiddos. The Huzz and been 20+ years ago. Incredible. Vast. Stunning and so changeable throughout the day. We did a 40 minute flight in an eight seater plane over the South Rim and Eastside. I did great for 20 minutes. The next 20 minutes were mostly spent looking into a brown paper bag! Motion sickness I hate you! The rest of the trip was stunning.
Back home and life has taken on that count down to the end of the school year! Did I really say that? It's hard to believe that June 17th will be here before we know it and my kids will have finished 1st and 7th Grades!
We've finished Basketball season (2nd place, hurrah),and we are just starting Track & Field season for the teenager. New spiked running shoes are in the house. Personal Bests are being discussed. He did so great in his first season last year. Here's hoping he loves and and does just as well this year. I know I love watching him and yes I'll be that mum bellowing from the bleachers in my best English voice, getting looks from the other parents and daggers from the boy!
Spring Cleaning has taken a hold of me! Trying to get stuff done before the good weather arrives and I want nothing more to do inside our home. A repaint and rearrangement of Ruby's bedroom has long been discussed and is so overdue. Lots of decisions on artwork to be made - the Huzz has a vast collection of photographs that we'd love to get onto large canvas. Yard landscaping will be tackled too. And that's just to get us going.
Here's to Springtime and warmer days.